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Blended and Flourishing was started because the founder realized that many stepfamilies are struggling to overcome the challenges of blending a family. Most importantly, many stepfamilies’ marriages end up in divorce due to the challenges and stressor of blending a family, and the cycle continues.


The founder also noticed that there are limited safe spaces for stepmoms that encourage them not to sit in that space of despair. In 2017 God placed it on her heart to do something regarding stepfamily. She was not sure what exactly God wanted her to do but she knew it was linked to her role as a stepmother. She and her husband have encountered many challenges along the way of blending their family and her stepmom journey has not been easy.


 But, God provided the grace, and peace she needed. Because of God she was able to overcome a lot of challenges and have peace, joy and happiness while doing so. She realized that many stepmothers are so overwhelmed with the countless stressors of blending a family that it seems impossible to be at peace and happy in their journey. Many have lost hope of current happiness and have concluded that if they bare the difficulties their joy and peace will come when the children are adults and it’s just them and their spouse. However a place of despair is not part of God’s plan for stepmoms. She know from experience that you can flourish as a stepmom when you partner with God and apply practical tools to life stressors. Blended and Flourishing provide you with encouragement to improve your relationship with God while providing you with action steps you can take to help you flourish within your stepfamily. Because we all know that Faith without work is dead.


Mommy Yoga

Hi, I am Winell Wilmote, an immigrant, a wife, mother, stepmother, and most importantly, a daughter of God. I am a Life Coach with a specialization in Stepfamily Dynamics. I am also a licensed master level social worker with a specialization in child welfare. Additionally, I have years of experience working with children and families through my roles as a Child Protection Worker, a Program Coordinator; overseeing Visitations Services for families who require supervised visits, and as a Clinician where I provide therapy to children and families.


In addition to my professional qualifications, I have experience as a stepchild as well as a stepmother. I am a stepmother of four children and the biological mother of one child. My husband and I formed our blended family five years ago. Shortly after our marriage, the devil became busy, and the attacks started. Unfortunately, we did not get the “honeymoon stage.” My husband, who has always been a loving father to his children, had to fight for the right to be a father. We also lived across the country from one another, limiting how much support I could be to him. I like to say that my actual experience as a stepmom did not start until a year and a half into our marriage because that was when we moved in together, and the challenges no longer felt far away.


I had to learn how to support my husband in the battle of combating parental alienation of two of the children while being a mother to our daughter and knowing my role as a stepmom to our other children. I had to negative moving from a part-time stepmom (a stepmom whose stepchildren do not live with her) to a full-time stepmom ( a stepmom whose step-children lives with her and her spouse) for 3 of the children. I also have the pleasure of dealing with not one, but their biological mothers. Through all the ups and downs, I have learned skills to help me clarify my role as a stepmom, adjust my expectations, be flexible, and not lose myself in the process. Most importantly, I have learned how to partner with God and allowed him to fight my battles without going insane. I have learned how to be at peace amid the chaos, and I can help you with your journey.

thumbnail_IMG_0033.jpg Picture of Winell, the stepmom coach
Family Unwrapping


Although I am a clinician, I do not provide therapy as a coach. However, you still benefit from my skill set. As your coach, I help you clarify and define your role as a stepmom so that you can stop second-guessing every decision you make about your stepchild and alleviate anxiety associated with your role as a stepmom.


I meet my client where they are at. I show up with compassion, grace, and understanding. I provide non-judgmental listening ears to their struggles and partner with them in gaining clarity. My services are individualized to meet the unique needs of each of my clients. I support them in no longer feeling hopeless and to discover what’s in their control. I also support them in partnering with God to take the burden off them and place it on him.




The Bible defines faith as the assurance of things hoped for, the conviction of things not seen (Hebrew 11:1). Faith is essential. If you truly walk in faith, you will walk as if you already won the battle, even if your current circumcision says otherwise.



I believe that everyone deserves to receive compassion. No one is perfect in the eyes of the Lord; therefore, He instructs us to “Be kind and tenderhearted to one another, forgiving each other, just as in Christ God forgave you.” (Ephesians 4: 32)



The Bible does not only talk about family concerning being connected by blood. Even Jesus’s earthly father was not related to him by blood. Family is vital to the kingdom of God because our families are our first teachers. Especially those who play a parental role. This is why a stepparent is just as significant in a child’s life as their biological parent. Once we step into the role of a stepparent, we also take on the assignment of directing the children to God.

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